Art Of Fighting 1 movelist

Art Of Fighting 1 movelist
                             Art Of Fighting
               FAQ By: Goh_Billy ([email protected])
                             Version #: 2.0

      1. Legend
      2. System
         2.1  Basics
         2.2  Spirit Gauge
      3. Characters
         3.1  Ryuhaku Todoh
         3.2  Ryo Sakazaki
         3.3  Robert Garcia
         3.4  Jack Turner  
         3.5  Lee Pai Long
         3.6  King
         3.7  Micky Rodgers
         3.8  John Crawley
         3.9  Mr. Big
         3.10 Mr. Karate 
      4. Misc. And Easter Eggs
         4.1  Bonus Games     
         4.2  Ultimate KO King
      5. Conclusion
         5.1  What's Missing/Needed
         5.2  Credits
1. Legend

  ub  u  uf       f - Forward     P  - Punch (acts as a         T  - Taunt     
    \ | /         b - Back             Light Punch)                  (aka Raz)
  b--   --f       u - Up          K  - Kick (acts as a          +  - And     
    / | \         d - Down             Light Kick)              /  - Or 
  db  d  df                       HA - Hard Attack              ,  - Then      
                                       (produces a Heavy 
                                       Punch or Kick                    
                                       depending on last 
                                       button press) 

qcf - quarter circle forward (d, df, f)
qcb - quarter circle back (d, db, b)
hcf - half circle forward (b, db, d, df, f)
hcb - half circle back (f, df, d, db, b)

2. System

2.1 Basics
Throw                    HA close                 only Ryo, Robert, Jack, and
                                                    Mr. Karate have a throw

Block High               b
Blow Low                 db                       will not block overheads

Reverse Kick             HA in air                cross up attack; overhead;
                                                    only Todoh, Ryo, Robert,
                                                    Lee, King, John, and Mr.
                                                    Karate can perform a
                                                    Reverse Kick
Triangle Jump            jump towards the wall    only Todoh, Ryo, Robert, Lee,
                           and press u + HA         King, John, and Mr. Karate
                                                    can perform a Triangle Jump
Dive Kick                jump towards the wall    overhead; only Todoh, Ryo,
                           and press HA             Robert, Lee, King, John,
                                                    and Mr. Karate can perform
                                                    a Dive Kick

Dash Forward             f, f                     can attack out of dash; Mr.
                                                    Big and Lee have a forward
                                                    roll instead of a dash
  Halt                   b
  Duck Halt              d
  Halt And Jump          ub/u/uf
Back Dash                b, b                     can attack out of dash;  Mr.
                                                    Big and Lee have a backward
                                                    roll instead of a dash
  Halt                   f
  Duck Halt              d
  Halt And Jump          ub/u/uf

Light Punch              P
Heavy Punch              HA (after a P press)     if the last button press was P
                                                    then HA becomes a Heavy 
                                                    Punch; Special Moves only 
                                                    use HA in the motion if
                                                    specifically stated 
Light Kick               K
Heavy Kick               HA (after a K press)     if the last button press was K
                                                    then HA becomes a Heavy 
                                                    Kick; Special Moves only 
                                                    use HA in the motion if
                                                    specifically stated 
High Strike              P+HA                     
Low Strike               K+HA                     most need to be blocked low
Taunt                    T                        taunting drains the 
                                                    opponent's spirit gauge
Recharge Spirit          hold P/K                 replenishes your spirit 
                                                    gauge; you can cancel out
                                                    of a spirit charge

Dizzy Recovery           shake joystick and tap
                           the buttons rapidly
                           when dizzied
Destroy Projectile       if an attack strikes a      
                           projectile at the            
                           appropriate height 
                           and time, the 
                           projectile will be

Super                    perform when you have    need to unlock this maneuver
                           around 80% of your       in 1 player mode; only Ryo,
                           spirit gauge filled      Robert, and Mr. Karate have
                                                    a Super move
Desperation              perform when you have    only Ryo and Robert have a
                           around 80% of your       Desperation move
                           spirit gauge filled
                           and your lifebar is 
                           below 25%

Motion Delay - The game allows you to enter in part of a Special Move's motion,
               delay, then finish the motion to execute the maneuver.  Take for
               example Ryo's Ko'ou Ken special.  You can enter the qcf motion, 
               delay a second, and then press P to have him finally throw the 
               fireball.  You can even move during the delay!
Air Barrage  - You can enter in multiple air normals during a single jump.
               This includes HA maneuvers.
Knockdowns   - Many HA strikes can knock the opponent down but the conditions
               and results are not consistent enough to mention in the move 
               list details.  It's even possible to knockdown and dizzy an 
               opponent off your very first attack!  

2.2 Spirit Gauge
  The Spirit Gauge is located directly under your lifebar.  The Spirit Gauge
is drained after performing Special Moves, Supers, Desperations, or is depleted
when your opponent taunts.  The Spirit Gauge is recharged by holding the P or K
button (while standing) or simply waiting as it autofills slowly.

  When your Spirit Gauge is full or mostly filled, it will be green.  Using
Special Moves in this color will assure your Specials are the most powerful.
When your Spirit Gauge is much lower, it will become yellow.  Specials used in
this area will be weaker than those performed in a green bar.  When your
spirit gauge is near empty or completely empty, the bar will be pink.  Some
specials will not even come out when the Spirit Gauge is at this level.  And
the specials that do activate are usually very weak or useless.  

3. Characters
* 3.1 Ryuhaku Todoh                                                           *
1 Player     - Orange top and Dark Gray pants
Mirror Match - Bronze top and Blue Gray pants


Basic Moves
Reverse Jump Kick        HA in air                cross up attack; overhead
Heavy Thrust Punch       HA (after a P press)       
Heavy Reach Kick         HA (after a K press)        

Command Moves
Triangle Jump            jump towards the wall 
                           and press u + HA
Dive Kick                jump towards the wall    overhead
                           and press HA
Crashing Forearm         P+HA                    
Shin Kick                K+HA                     must be blocked low

Special Move
Kasane Ate               qcf + P                  maneuver can sometimes break
                                                    through a standing block;
                                                    Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=very weak where
                                                    energy is reduced to a
                                                    single wave




* 3.2 Ryo Sakazaki                                                            *
1 Player     - Orange uniform
Mirror Match - Purple uniform

Tomoe Nage               HA close                 opponent ends up behind Ryo
                                                    unless you are in the 
                                                    corner (will not throw 
                                                    opponent into the corner)

Basic Moves
Reverse Kick             HA in air                cross up attack; overhead
Iron Hook                HA (after a P press)     
                           a step away
Heavy Straight           HA (after a P press)     
Prop Kick                HA (after a K press)    
                           a step away
Roundhouse               HA (after a K press)     

Command Moves
Triangle Jump            jump towards the wall 
                           and press u + HA
Dive Kick                jump towards the wall    overhead
                           and press HA
Gut Punch                P+HA                    
Shin Kick                K+HA                     must be blocked low

Special Moves
Ko'ou Ken                qcf + P                  Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=very weak where
                                                    it no longer acts as a 
                                                    projectile but a close 
                                                    range blast 
Kohou                    f, d, df + P             does NOT drain the spirit
Hien Shippuu Kyaku       qcf + K / db, f + K /    first part must touch the 
                           Charge db, f + K         opponent for the entire 
                                                    maneuver to come out;
                                                    Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=very weak, short, and
                                                    has no second part
Zanretsu Ken             f, b, f + HA / Charge    one of his punches must touch
                           f, b, f + HA             the opponent for the entire
                                                    maneuver to come out; 
                                                    Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=move will not come out

Haou Shoukou Ken         f, hcf + P               move will only work when 
                                                    you have around 80% of
                                                    your spirit gauge filled;
                                                    cannot be projectile killed
                                                    and will absorb normal

Ryuuko Ranbu             qcf + HA (hold HA),     unblockable; dash in must
                           then press P             touch opponent for entire
                                                    Desperation to come out;
                                                    move will only work when 
                                                    you have around 80% of
                                                    your spirit gauge filled
                                                    and your lifebar is below

* 3.3 Robert Garcia                                                           *
1 Player     - Mauve Purple shirt w/ Azure White pants
Mirror Match - Black shirt w/ Gray pants

Kubikiri Nage            HA close                 opponent ends up behind 
                                                    Robert unless you are in 
                                                    the corner (will not throw 
                                                    opponent into the corner)

Basic Moves
Reverse Kick             HA in air                cross up attack; overhead
Spike Elbow              HA (after a P press)     
                           a step away
Heavy Straight           HA (after a P press)    
Sobat                    HA (after a K press)     
                           a step away
Swatting Roundhouse      HA (after a K press)     

Command Moves
Triangle Jump            jump towards the wall 
                           and press u + HA
Dive Kick                jump towards the wall    overhead
                           and press HA
Buster Punch             P+HA                    
Shin Kick                K+HA                     must be blocked low

Special Moves
Ryuugeki Ken             qcf + P                  Green=strong and is a Blow 
                                                    Back attack; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=very weak where
                                                    it no longer acts as a 
                                                    projectile but a close 
                                                    range blast 
Ryuuga                   f, d, df + P             does NOT drain the spirit
Hien Senpuu Kyaku        qcf + K / db, f + K /    first part must touch the
                           Charge db, f + K         opponent for the entire 
                                                    maneuver to come out; 
                                                    Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=very weak, short, and
                                                    has no second part
Genei Kayku              f, b, f + HA / Charge    one of his kicks must touch
                           f, b, f + HA             the opponent for the entire
                                                    maneuver to come out;
                                                    Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=move will not come

Haou Shoukou Ken         f, hcf + P               move will only work when 
                                                    you have around 80% of
                                                    your spirit gauge filled;
                                                    cannot be projectile killed
                                                    and will absorb normal

Ryuuko Ranbu             qcf + HA (hold HA),     unblockable; dash in must
                           then press P             touch opponent for entire
                                                    Desperation to come out;
                                                    move will only work when 
                                                    you have around 80% of
                                                    your spirit gauge filled
                                                    and your lifebar is below

* 3.4 Jack Turner                                                             *
1 Player     - Blue jacket and Gray pants
Mirror Match - Green jacket and Pink Lavender pants

Body Slam               HA close                  opponent ends up behind Jack
                                                    unless you are in the 
                                                    corner (will not throw 
                                                    opponent into the corner)

Basic Moves
Big Dropkick             HA in air                overhead
Knuckle Pad              HA (after a P press)     
                           a step away or far
Big Boot Pad             HA (after a K press)     
                           a step away or far

Command Moves
Sneaky Headbutt          P+HA                    
Shin Stomp               K+HA                     must be blocked low

Special Moves
Hopping Knuckle Pad      qcf + P                  Green=strong and very far; 
                                                    Yellow=weak and far; 
                                                    Pink=very weak and short
Sliding Kick             qcf + K                  Green=strong and very far; 
                                                    Yellow=weak and far; 
                                                    Pink=very weak and short
Super Drop Kick          db, f + K / Charge       overhead; Green=strong and
                           db, f + K                very far; Yellow=weak and
                                                    far; Pink=very weak and 



* 3.5 Lee Pai Long                                                            *
1 Player     - Dark Gray costume w/ Light Gray trim
Mirror Match - Burgundy costume w/ Red trim


Basic Moves
Leaping Kick             K
Reverse Needle Kick      HA in air                cross up attack; overhead
Phase Punches            HA (after a P press)     2 hits 
Leaping Snap Kicks       HA (after a K press)     2 hits

Command Moves
Triangle Jump            jump towards the wall 
                           and press u + HA
Dive Kick                jump towards the wall    overhead
                           and press HA
Forward Roll             f, f                     different than the other 
                                                    characters' standard 
                                                    forward dash
Back Roll                b, b                     different than the other 
                                                    characters' standard 
                                                    backward dash
Back Leaping Kick        b + K
Back Leaping Snap Kicks  b + HA (after a K        2 hits
                           press) a step away
                           or far                
Back Kick                K+HA                     

Special Moves
Miman Tetsu No Tsume     qcf + P                  must be blocked low; 
                                                    Green=strong and very far; 
                                                    Yellow=weak and far; 
                                                    Pink=very weak and spins
                                                    in place
Tetsu No Tsume           qcf + K                  Green=strong and very far; 
                                                    Yellow=weak and far; 
                                                    Pink=very weak and spins
                                                    in place
Hyakuretsu Senpuu Kyaku  db, f + K / Charge db,   first part must touch the 
                           f + K                    opponent for the entire 
                                                    maneuver to come out;
                                                    Green=strong and far; 
                                                    Yellow=weak and short;
                                                    Pink=very weak, short, and
                                                    has no follow up kicks
Hyakuretsuken            f, b, f + HA / Charge    one of his strikes must touch
                           f, b, f + HA             the opponent for the entire
                                                    maneuver to come out; 
                                                    Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=move will not come out



* 3.6 King                                                                    *
1 Player     - Cool Gray pants
Mirror Match - Purple pants


Basic Moves
Reverse Snap Kick        HA in air                cross up attack; overhead
Cracking Elbow           HA (after a P press)     
Double Straight          HA (after a P press)     
Face Kick                HA (after a K press)    
Double Kick              HA (after a K press)     2 hits

Command Moves
Triangle Jump            jump towards the wall 
                           and press u + HA
Dive Kick                jump towards the wall    overhead
                           and press HA
Slide Kick               d + K/HA (after a kick   must be blocked low
Elbow Swing              P+HA                    
Shin Kick                K+HA                     must be blocked low

Special Moves
Venom Strike             qcf + K                  Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=very weak where
                                                    it no longer acts as a 
                                                    projectile but a close 
                                                    range blast 
Moushuu Kyaku            qcb + K                  Green=strong with many kicks;
                                                    Yellow=weak with some 
                                                    kicks; Pink=very weak with
                                                    few kicks
Flying Strike            db, f + K / Charge db,   first part must touch the 
                           f + K                    opponent for the entire 
                                                    maneuver to come out;
                                                    Green=strong and far; 
                                                    Yellow=weak and short;
                                                    Pink=very weak, short, and
                                                    has no follow up kick



* 3.7 Micky Rodgers                                                           *
1 Player     - Red shorts and shoes
Mirror Match - Gold shorts and shoes


Basic Move
Power Hook               HA (after a P/K press)                

Command Moves
Skyward Uppercut         P+HA                   
Lean In Uppercut         K+HA                    

Special Moves
Burning Upper            qcf + P                  Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=very weak where
                                                    it no longer acts as a 
                                                    projectile but a close 
                                                    range blast 
Rolling Upper            qcf + K                  must be blocked low; 
                                                    Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=very weak where
                                                    it no longer acts as a 
                                                    projectile but a close 
                                                    range blast 



* 3.8 John Crawley                                                            *
1 Player     - Green costume
Mirror Match - Citron costume


Basic Moves
Reverse Side Kick        HA in air                cross up attack; overhead
Spinning Backfirst       HA (after a P press)     
Sobat                    HA (after a K press)    
Front Kick               HA (after a K press)     

Command Moves
Triangle Jump            jump towards the wall 
                           and press u + HA
Dive Kick                jump towards the wall    overhead
                           and press HA
Shin Stomp               K close                  must be blocked low
Wild Swing               P+HA close
Short Arm Uppercut       P+HA far
Shin Kick                K+HA far                 must be blocked low

Special Moves
Mega Smash               qcf + P                  Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=very weak where
                                                    it no longer acts as a 
                                                    projectile but a close 
                                                    range blast      
Flying Attack            db, f + P / Charge db,   first part must touch the
                           f + P                    opponent for the entire 
                                                    maneuver to come out;  
                                                    Green=strong, far, and 
                                                    with many hits; 
                                                    Yellow=weak, short, and 
                                                    with some hits; Pink=very
                                                    weak, short, and only one
Overdrive Kick           qcb + K                  Green=strong with many hits;
                                                    Yellow=weak with some hits;
                                                    Pink=very weak with few 




* 3.9 Mr. Big                                                                 *
                         +++Mr. Big cannot jump+++

1 Player     - Purple jacket
Mirror Match - Black jacket


Basic Moves
Double Baton             K                        has two parts but can only
                                                    hit once
Smash And Thrust         P/HA (after a P press)   has two parts but it is too
                           close                    slow to combo
Side Swipe               HA (after a P press)     2 hits
Quadruple Baton Stab     HA (after a K press)     has four parts but can only
                                                    hit twice during the first
                                                    or last part as the pause
                                                    in the middle doesn't allow
                                                    all hits to combo

Command Moves
Forward Roll             f, f                     different than the other 
                                                    characters' standard 
                                                    forward dash
Back Roll                b, b                     different than the other 
                                                    characters' standard 
                                                    backward dash
Cross Baton Uppercut     P+HA        

Special Moves
Grand Blaster            qcf + P                  Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=very weak where
                                                    it no longer acts as a 
                                                    projectile but a close 
                                                    range blast 
Cross Diving             qcf, uf, u + P           Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=very weak and short



* 3.10 Mr. Karate                                                             *
1 Player     - Medium Gray uniform
Mirror Match - Green uniform

Tomoe Nage               HA close                 opponent ends up behind Mr.
                                                    Karate unless you are in 
                                                    the corner (will not throw
                                                    opponent into the corner)

Basic Moves
Reverse Kick             HA in air                cross up attack; overhead
Iron Hook                HA (after a P press)     
                           a step away
Heavy Straight           HA (after a P press)     
Prop Kick                HA (after a K press)    
                           a step away
Roundhouse               HA (after a K press)     

Command Moves
Triangle Jump            jump towards the wall 
                           and press u + HA
Dive Kick                jump towards the wall    overhead
                           and press HA
Dodge Straight           f, f, P                  first part is a high dodge
Dodge Roundhouse         f, f, K                  first part is a high dodge
Gut Punch                P+HA                    
Shin Kick                K+HA                     must be blocked low

Special Moves
Ko'ou Ken                qcf + P                  Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=very weak where
                                                    it no longer acts as a 
                                                    projectile but a close 
                                                    range blast 
Kohou                    f, d, df + P             does NOT drain the spirit
Hien Shippuu Kyaku       qcf + K / db, f + K /    first part must touch the 
                           Charge db, f + K         opponent for the entire 
                                                    maneuver to come out;
                                                    Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=very weak, short, and
                                                    has no second part
Zanretsu Ken             f, b, f + HA / Charge    one of his punches must touch
                           f, b, f + HA             the opponent for the entire
                                                    maneuver to come out; 
                                                    Green=strong; Yellow=weak;
                                                    Pink=move will not come out

Haou Shoukou Ken         f, hcf + P               move will only work when 
                                                    you have around 80% of
                                                    your spirit gauge filled;
                                                    cannot be projectile killed
                                                    and will absorb normal


4. Misc. And Easter Eggs

4.1 Bonus Games
  Playing a 1 player game functions slightly different than a 2 player game.
The Super moves for Ryo/Robert must be unlocked by beating a particular mini 
game.  You also have the ability to extend your lifebar or spirit gauge.  In a
2 player game the Super moves for Ryo/Robert are already accessible.  There are
3 bonus games:

Rite Of Spiritual Fortification     - Time your punch to cut the bottles with
                                      your hand and if successful your spirit 
                                      gauge will be extended

Rite Of Physical Fortification      - Tap punch rapidly to charge meter and if
                                      successful your lifebar will be extended

Initiation Of Super Special Attacks - Use your Super move to complete the task
                                      and if successful you will gain access to
                                      your Super maneuver

4.2 Ultimate KO King

  Defeat King with a Special Move (most work), a Super, or a Desperation to
tear her top.

5. Conclusion

5.1  What's Missing/Needed
-Clean up and corrections  
-If you have anything to add, any corrections I need to make, please email me
at [email protected].  Credit will be given for your contribution.

5.2  Credits
-And me for writing this faq

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