The too many fallacies of the fiat currency system | by Andrea Bianconi | The Capital | Jan, 2022

The too many fallacies of the fiat currency system | by Andrea Bianconi | The Capital | Jan, 2022

The first of a series of articles to look at how a purely fiat-based currency system distorts incentives and damages us all in the long run. Stay tuned for the coming articles in which I will look at how Bitcoin can help to fix that. What a new Bretton Woods monetary reset would look like. The Italian Great Robbery — how the puppet Draghi government plans to expropriate 2.000 billion savings and 2.450 Tonnes of Gold — and how the EU parasitic elites plan to introduce the €uro CBDC to save their privileges at the expense of liberties.

The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled. ~ John Kenneth Galbraith

The narrative goes that “we live in extraordinary times and we need extraordinary measures.” The “extraordinary” is, however, not what they tell us it is. It has nothing to do with the “invisible enemy” with which they have been “at war” for two years and which is rather cleverly being exploited as a “weapon of mass distraction.” Indeed no.

The real enemy is different, and with sleight of hand, they do not want us to see it. In this sense, it is true that we live in unprecedented times: never before in history a monetary system has been so entirely based on highly inflating fiat currencies being debased by governments worldwide as if there is no tomorrow.

This all started back in 1971 when Nixon removed the last restraint to discipline the FED and governments. By rescinding the peg with gold, the US effectively defaulted, and — thereafter — slowly but inexorably, the system was exploited and abused just like every other time in history before.

The fiat-currency system — born officially in Bretton Woods 1944 — has lasted almost 80 years, of which the last 50 have been an unconstrained wild ride. It had its day.

Economies worldwide are propelled solely by paper credit. There is no underlying real asset with no counterparty risk, which could be used to set off liabilities like gold did in the past. The official world debt will soon reach the US$ 80 trillion figure equaling the global GDP. But this does not take into account the trillions levered in the financial system and the derivatives markets. Then liabilities sum up to almost US$ 2,3 Quadrillion, a figure which is hard to visualize, even more to type on an excel spreadsheet.

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