The Evolution of Money. How Bitcoin Fits Into the Bigger… | by Icarus Resources | The Capital | Jan, 2025

Money is one of humanity’s oldest inventions, a tool designed to solve an enduring problem: how to transfer economic value across time and space. Today, Bitcoin represents the newest iteration of this technology, leveraging the digital age to address challenges that have shaped human societies for millennia. But to understand Bitcoin, we must first understand money itself — its history, its functions, and how it has evolved over time.

In its simplest form, economic value was originally exchanged through barter, where individuals traded goods directly. Imagine a small, isolated community where a dozen people swapped their basic essentials — perhaps apples for fish or shoes for bread. While workable in limited settings, barter quickly reveals its limitations in larger, more complex economies.

An 1874 newspaper illustration from Harper’s Weekly showing a man engaging in barter by offering various farm produce in exchange for his yearly newspaper subscription.

The crux of the problem lies in the coincidence of wants: both parties in a trade must have exactly what the other desires at the same time. What happens if a shoemaker needs grain, but the grain farmer doesn’t need shoes? Or if the value of shoes doesn’t align with the amount of grain required? These inefficiencies — scale, timing, and location mismatches — made direct trade impractical as societies grew.

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Enter the concept of indirect exchange, where people traded for a common intermediary good that was widely desired. This intermediary — money — became the bridge that allowed specialization and trade to flourish. Over time, goods like gold, silver, salt, seashells, and even livestock took on the role of money, valued not for themselves but for their ability to facilitate exchange.

A 640 BC one-third stater electrum coin from Lydia. According to Herodotus, the Lydians were the first people to introduce the use of gold and silver coins.[7] It is thought by modern scholars that these first stamped coins were minted around 650 to 600 BC.[8]

Money isn’t just any object of exchange. Its effectiveness depends on key characteristics that make it suitable for three core functions:

  1. Medium of Exchange — Money must be widely accepted and easy to trade.
  2. Store of Value — It should hold its purchasing power over time, allowing wealth to be preserved.
  3. Unit of Account — It needs to provide a common measure for pricing goods and services.

Among these, salability — the ease with which money can be traded without losing value — is paramount. Salability can be evaluated across three dimensions:

  • Across scales: Money should be divisible into smaller units or aggregated into larger ones. For example, gold coins can be melted down or recast into different denominations, making them practical for various transactions.
  • Across space: Money must be transportable. Goods with high value per weight, like precious metals, historically dominated because they could be carried easily across distances.
  • Across time: Money must maintain its value long-term. Perishable goods like apples or fish fail this test, while durable, scarce goods like gold excel because their supply grows slowly and predictably.

The ability of money to hold value over time depends heavily on its stock-to-flow ratio — a measure of existing supply (stock) relative to new production (flow). Money with a high stock-to-flow ratio, like gold, is considered hard money, as its supply cannot easily be inflated. Conversely, easy money is prone to rapid supply increases, which devalue existing holdings.

Bitcoin: Stock-to-Flow Model

History offers countless examples of what happens when easy money is adopted. Societies using seashells as currency abandoned them once new technology made their collection trivial. Government-issued fiat currencies, when overproduced, have often lost their purchasing power, driving people to seek alternatives like foreign currencies, gold, or, more recently, Bitcoin.

This dynamic creates what can be called the easy money trap.” When a monetary good can be easily produced, it undermines trust in its ability to store value. Savers lose wealth, and society is forced to transition to a harder form of money. In contrast, hard money incentivizes saving, long-term planning, and investment, fostering economic stability and growth.

Money’s evolution — from barter to seashells, to gold, and finally to fiat currencies — mirrors humanity’s technological and societal advances. Each step brought new advantages but also introduced vulnerabilities. Hard money has consistently outlasted easy money, thanks to its ability to preserve value and adapt to the demands of growing economies.

Modern economies, with their scale and complexity, depend on money for more than just exchange. It enables:

  • Specialization and trade: By acting as a universal intermediary, money allows producers to focus on specific goods or services.
Investopedia / Mira Norian
  • Capital accumulation: A reliable store of value incentivizes individuals to save, enabling investment in long-term projects and advanced production techniques.
A diagram illustrating capital accumulation.
  • Economic calculation: As a unit of account, money allows for consistent pricing, efficient resource allocation, and the comparison of costs and benefits across time.

Bitcoin is the latest innovation in this centuries-long journey. Built on the principles of hard money, it offers an unprecedented combination of scarcity, durability, and portability in a digital format. Bitcoin’s supply is capped at 21 million coins, its production governed by a transparent, decentralized protocol that resists inflation and manipulation.

Bitcoin also excels in salability:

  • It’s divisible into 100 million units (satoshis), enabling transactions of any size.
  • It can be sent instantly across the globe with minimal cost, bypassing geographical and institutional barriers.
  • Its supply schedule ensures predictability, reinforcing its status as a store of value.

While it’s too early to declare Bitcoin the final evolution of money, its emergence has sparked a renewed examination of what makes money truly sound. Like gold before it, Bitcoin challenges the status quo, offering individuals a decentralized alternative to government-issued currencies.

The evolution of money is a story of innovation and adaptation, shaped by the technological realities of each era. From barter economies to the digital age, humanity has continuously sought better tools for exchange, storage, and measurement of value. Bitcoin, with its unique properties, represents a compelling contender for the future.

As we move forward, the lessons of history remain clear: the best money is not imposed but chosen. It emerges naturally through free-market competition, driven by the needs and choices of individuals. Whether Bitcoin or some other innovation becomes the dominant monetary medium, its success will depend on its ability to meet these timeless criteria.

History shows us that sound money fosters prosperity, stability, and progress. In this light, Bitcoin is more than just a technological marvel — it’s a continuation of humanity’s oldest pursuit: a reliable foundation for economic exchange.

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