Choosing a Sport Bra – Tips for Petite Women
If you are an active woman, it is important for you to consider the sports bra that you are wearing while you are taking part in any type of fitness routine. This is important for women of all sizes, but there may be special considerations for choosing a sports bra if you are a petite woman. Here are some tips which can help you in choosing a petite bra for your next trip to the gym.
First of all, it is very important for you to ignore the rumor that small busted women are able to exercise in any type of bra. The fact of the matter is, it is not only going to keep you more comfortable when you choose a sports bra that fits you properly; it can also help to improve your health in a number of ways. Fortunately, there are sports bras that are available for petite women that will fit properly. It will allow you to choose a bra that is the right size for you rather than trying to conform to a bra size that does not fit properly.
One of the benefits of being a petite woman is the fact that you do not need to be as concerned about your breasts sagging over the course of time. That doesn’t mean that you can completely overlook the possibility of it occurring. When you exercise regularly, especially when you do so vigorously, you could damage the ligament which keeps your breasts firm, known as the Cooper’s ligament (Source: „Jogger’s Breast“, Sports injury clinic). Your chest muscles, however well-developed they may be, do not provide support for your breast tissue.
That is one of the most important reasons why you should choose a sports bra that is the right size for you. It will support your breasts during the time that you are exercising without being overly restrictive. This also has the added benefit of reducing pain that may occur during the time that you are exercising. That pain may exist if the Cooper’s ligament is allowed to stretch unnecessarily.
Many of the signs which could indicate that you are wearing the wrong size bra may not be possible with a sports bra. Those signs include loose straps on the shoulders if it is too large or the straps digging into the shoulders or your side/back if the bra is too small. That is why it is important for you to be measured professionally so that you can begin choosing from among the bras that are the right size for you. Keep in mind, your breast size may change slightly throughout the month so try to get measured on one of your „average“ days.
One other consideration for choosing a sports bra if you are a petite woman is the possibility that it may be unflattering. Sports bras have the tendency to make small breasts disappear, causing what is sometimes referred to as a uniboob. You can overcome this problem by opting for an encapsulation bra, which has two separate cups instead of a single band.
„Jogger’s Breast“, Sports injury clinic,