Cure Eye floaters PREVIEW (the Truth is Out 2023)

The concept and cure is based on 3 principles first Energy training, vibration awareness and object visualitation guide comming soon, second i recommend the use of speciall lense i found out for monocles will talk about it on a later video third concept is all the other 2 and adding a special patch to the other eye i will talk about it deeper on the comming videos…, it’s going to be some work.. and sadly i got attacked by the fear creators goverment banks police etc… so it may take even longer. If u want to support me go here:
Most Eye Doctors don’t have Yag lasers for floaters and are basically incapable of using them because most doctors in general are beyond stupid and don’t have any skill. There is also a vytrectomie but it costs around 5,000$ – 9000$ alot of your time aand u will also have to do a cataract surgery.
My Solutions costs ~200$ , once u learn it and apply my teachings correctly u will also be able to see even with your hand. our eyes are not seeing object. Matter is purely a transmission of electric energy waves that captured by eyes, where our brain will created the image of that object.