Optimizing Python Trading: Leveraging RSI with Support & Resistance for High-Accuracy Signals | by Aydar Murt | The Capital | Jan, 2025

Once support/resistance trends are validated, the next step is to incorporate RSI to fine-tune trading signals. A unified approach helps identify optimal buy/sell moments.

Code Example:

def generateSignal(l, df, rsi_lower, rsi_upper, r_level, s_level):
trend = confirmTrend(l, df, r_level, s_level)
rsi_value = df['RSI'][l]

if trend == "below_support" and rsi_value < rsi_lower:
return "buy"
if trend == "above_resistance" and rsi_value > rsi_upper:
return "sell"
return "hold"

Detailed Explanation:

  1. Inputs:
  • l: Candle index for analysis.
  • df: DataFrame containing RSI and market data.
  • rsi_lower: RSI threshold for oversold conditions (default often set around 30).
  • rsi_upper: RSI threshold for overbought conditions (default often set around 70).
  • r_level: Resistance level.
  • s_level: Support level.

2. Logic Flow:

  • Determines the trend using the confirmTrend() function.
  • Checks the current RSI value for overbought or oversold conditions:
  • If the price is below support and RSI indicates oversold, the signal is "buy".
  • If the price is above resistance and RSI shows overbought, the signal is "sell".
  • Otherwise, the signal remains "hold".

3. Outputs:

  • Returns one of three trading signals:
  • "buy": Suggests entering a long position.
  • "sell": Suggests entering a short position.
  • "hold": Advises waiting for clearer opportunities.

Apply the support and resistance detection framework to identify actionable trading signals.

Code Implementation:

from tqdm import tqdm

n1, n2, backCandles = 8, 6, 140
signal = [0] * len(df)

for row in tqdm(range(backCandles + n1, len(df) - n2)):
signal[row] = check_candle_signal(row, n1, n2, backCandles, df)
df["signal"] = signal


  1. Key Parameters:
  • n1 = 8, n2 = 6: Reference candles before and after each potential support/resistance point.
  • backCandles = 140: History used for analysis.

2. Signal Initialization:

  • signal = [0] * len(df): Prepare for tracking identified trading signals.

3. Using tqdm Loop:

  • Iterates across viable rows while displaying progress for large datasets.

4. Call to Detection Logic:

  • The check_candle_signal integrates RSI dynamics and proximity validation.

5. Updating Signals in Data:

  • Add results into a signal column for post-processing.

Visualize market movements by mapping precise trading actions directly onto price charts.

Code Implementation:

import numpy as np

def pointpos(x):
if x['signal'] == 1:
return x['high'] + 0.0001
elif x['signal'] == 2:
return x['low'] - 0.0001
return np.nan

df['pointpos'] = df.apply(lambda row: pointpos(row), axis=1)


  1. Logic Behind pointpos:
  • Ensures buy signals (1) sit slightly above high prices.
  • Ensures sell signals (2) sit slightly below low prices.
  • Returns NaN if signals are absent.

2. Dynamic Point Generation:

  • Applies point positions across rows, overlaying signals in visualizations.

Create comprehensive overlays of detected signals atop candlestick plots for better interpretability.

Code Implementation:

import plotly.graph_objects as go

dfpl = df[100:300] # Focused segment
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Candlestick(x=dfpl.index,
fig.add_scatter(x=dfpl.index, y=dfpl['pointpos'],
mode='markers', marker=dict(size=8, color='MediumPurple'))
fig.update_layout(width=1000, height=800, paper_bgcolor='black', plot_bgcolor='black')


  • Combines candlestick data with signal scatter annotations.
  • Facilitates immediate recognition of actionable zones.

Enrich visual plots with horizontal demarcations for enhanced contextuality.

Code Implementation:

from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
# Extended check
fig.add_shape(type="line", x0=10, ...) # Stub logic for signal-resistance pair representation

Enhancing the strategy further, we visualize the detected support and resistance levels alongside the trading signals on the price chart.

Code Implementation:

def plot_support_resistance(df, backCandles, proximity):
import plotly.graph_objects as go

# Extract a segment of the DataFrame for visualization
df_plot = df[-backCandles:]

fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Candlestick(

# Add detected support levels as horizontal lines
for i, level in enumerate(df_plot['support'].dropna().unique()):
fig.add_hline(y=level, line=dict(color="MediumPurple", dash='dash'), name=f"Support {i}")

# Add detected resistance levels as horizontal lines
for i, level in enumerate(df_plot['resistance'].dropna().unique()):
fig.add_hline(y=level, line=dict(color="Crimson", dash='dash'), name=f"Resistance {i}")

title="Support and Resistance Levels with Price Action",


  1. Horizontal Support & Resistance Lines:
  • support levels are displayed in purple dashes for clarity.
  • resistance levels use red dashes to signify obstacles above the price.

2. Candlestick Chart:

  • Depicts open, high, low, and close prices for each candle.

3. Dynamic Updates:

  • Automatically adjusts based on selected data ranges (backCandles).

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